• 30/09 - 03/10 2024


As a trade show organiser, our aim and intention is to continue facilitating opportunities to network, discover new things and generate business, to promote innovation and create and foster debate with content specifically tailored to our communities.

Our priority is the health and safety of our staff, customers and partners and our goal is to give you a safe and stress-free trade show experience.

Our actions are guided by health measures recommended by the French Government, and the World Health Organization (WHO) and the RX COVID Management Plan. We are also actively involved in work being led by UNIMEV, the French trade association for event professionals, to develop protection measures for trade shows. 

Responding effectively to the risks of Covid-19 is a shared responsibility and RX France asks all participants to play their part in ensuring that the show remains as safe as is reasonably practicable. In this respect, RX France will communicate to all attendees that a person should not attend the show if the individual is showing signs as set out below:

1.  Is showing COVID-19 symptoms such as but not limited to: fever or a feeling of fever (chills, hot-cold), cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, unusual fatigue, sore throat or headache, loss or change in smell or taste.

2.  Has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 7 days.

3.  Is coming from an “orange” or “red” state or country as this person could be isolated on their arrival in France and/or on their return to their state or country of origin. Please, visit:  https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus/ressources-a-partager#section-b3152 for more details.

Our onsite medical team will respond to anyone displaying COVID-19 symptoms (24/24) in line with the directions issued by the relevant authorities. The individual should reconsider attending the show if the individual is a vulnerable person at risk of developing a severe type of Covid-19 infection, particularly if the person suffers from an underlying health condition.

Our Safety Guidelines are based on Reed Exhibitions’ 5-Point Plan and have been prepared in conjunction with the venue owner and the relevant authorities and in accordance with the relevant regulations, including Law n° 2020-856 of July 9, 2020 and Decree No. 2021-699 of June 1, 2021, amended by Decree No. 2021-1059 of August 7, 2021. We would ask you to comply with all safeguards and precautionary measures. Anyone not complying will be requested to leave the show.

All our events are or will be «Safe & Clean» labeled by Apave Certification, an independent third-party certifying organisation of the Apave group.

This certification certifies that health measures have been put in place with regards the Covid-19 risk.

1. Pass sanitaire

Per application of current French sanitary regulations, access to our events for all participants* will be subject to the presentation of a valid sanitary pass** attesting to 1 of the 3 types of proof below:


1. A vaccination certificate attesting to a complete vaccination program using a vaccine against covid-19 authorised by the European Commission or of which the composition and the manufacturing process are recognized as similar to one of these vaccines by the National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety (ANSM):

- Janssen Vaccine: 28 days after administration of the single dose

- Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines: 7 days after the administration of a second dose, except for those who have been infected with Covid-19, for whom this period runs after the administration of the initial dose.

For more information, please go to: https://ansm.sante.fr/dossiers-thematiques/covid-19-vaccins/covid-19-vaccins-autorises. This list will evolve based on the ANSM's assessment of the available data.

2. Proof of a negative test of less than 72 hours (RT-PCR, antigen or self-test carried out under the supervision of authorized health professionals).

3. The result of a positive RT-PCR or antigen test attesting to recovery from Covid-19, dating at least 11 days and on more than 6 months.

Each of these certificates are encoded and signed in the form of a QR Code. They can be presented in paper or digital format, saved on the “TousAntiCovid” mobile application or via any other digital tool of the choice of the person concerned.

During build-up and breakdown periods a sanitary pass is not mandatory (art. 47-1 IV of Decree No. 2021-699 from June 1st, 2021, amended by Decree No. 2021-1059 from August 7th, 2021).

These instructions are currently valid and may change depending on the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic and the rules imposed by French authorities.

* Applicable to visitors, as well as to exhibitors, service providers, organisation staff and all persons present on days when the show is open to the public.

** The French sanitary pass complies with the “EU Digital COVID Certificate”. For more information, please visit: https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/coronavirus-response/safe-covid-19-vaccines-europeans/eu-digital-covid-certificate_en

2. Mandatory face masks

Face masks will be mandatory for trade show participants, service providers and RX France employees.

3. Hand sanitiser will be available during the event.

Touch-free hand sanitiser stations will be located throughout the premises and in common areas 

4. Digitalised access passes

In order to avoid queues and frequent contact, we use digital passes wherever possible, so remember to print your badge or ticket before the trade show.

5. Compliance with capacity limits and regulation of visitor traffic flows

We will ensure that maximum capacity limits are complied with in exhibition halls, conference spaces and food service areas...
Floor markings and a one-way system could be set up to follow physical distancing measures.

6. Increased disinfection

Cleaning will be reinforced in all exhibition spaces and high-contact areas will be frequently disinfected.

7. New meeting spaces and conference rooms

Spaces will be reorganised to enable face-to-face meetings while following physical distancing measures.

8. On-site food services

Tables will be arranged to follow physical distancing measures, with 1 m between each table and no more than 10 people per table. Health inspections will be increased and staff will be trained to follow health measures.  

9. Special communication and safety reminders

Staff and participants will be reminded of health and protective measures before and throughout the event. Our goal is to open the doors to our trade shows responsibly, while protecting participants and our employees.

10. Management of people with COVID symptoms

A medical team will be present for the duration of the event. Suspected COVID-19 cases will be isolated and handled by suitable health professionals.

We are excited to welcome you back to our trade shows so that you can get back in touch with your professional community, meet customers, grow your business, and check out all the latest and future trends in your sector.

Find out more about RX Group commitments (link to “New Normal”)